It's like, as a kid, did anyone go apeshit when they saw those floating snow-like, seed things -> *... I don't know how to explain it, but it'd be like a bits of thread joined in the middle to form sort of an asterisk and it'd just float around people, like one of those creepy spirit balls in movies that always guides the character to some hidden dungeon that later explains why they were adopted/or some other massive, cliche climax (oh baby, oh baby >.>). But anyway, I could go crazy when I saw one of these babies whenever I was a kid and try and catch them. I heard somewhere if you caught one, made a wish and then let it go, it'll come true. Bunch of liars I'm surrounded by, I tell you. [When I was six, I wished for a mouse... never got one. Don't ask why anyone- just. Don't. You weren't? O.K. Great.]
So I'd catch it, made some obnoxious wish and then when I let it go, because of all the aggression I put into catching it- squashing bits of it's physiology, it would just sort of collapse on the ground and wouldn't float anymore. As you can guess... I did the whole Darla 'fishie, why won't you swim fiiiishiiiieee' from Finding Nemo, and then when I got over it, I'd just skip off thinking of ice-cream and bubbles.. But it's that feeling I get when I post stuff; I-did-something-completely-inconsequential-today,-I'm-going-to-fold-my-socks-now sort of mentality, and it doesn't feel half bad.
So, more about the title (which is the reason for this post) and less explaining as to why I'm even blogging in the first place:
Deliquesence... has anyone heard of it. Google it. Well, to save you the time, it means =
Definition: the process in which a soluble substance picks up water vapor from the air to fom a solution. In order for deliquescence to occur, the vapor pressure of the water in the air must be greater than the vapor pressure of the saturated solution.
I take chemistry at school and I still didn't even know it existed. I found it through serendipity... oh, that old friend of mine. Actually, where not that close so don't suspect anything.
I used it as the title because in essence in means what I want to do: make something out of seemingly nothing, which no one knows or cares about. Also because it sounds cool. >.>
Enough reading... tell me, what words do you think are cool?
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